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      New Syllabus Mathematics Book 2

      Seventh Edition Teh Keng Seng, Loh Cheng Yee, Joseph Yeo, and Ivy Chow New Syllabus Mathematics (NSM) is a series of textbooks where the inclusion of valuable learning experiences, as well...

      Secondary Social Studies for Pakistan Revised Edition Book 2

      Peter Moss Secondary Social Studies for Pakistan, Revised Edition, is the upgraded and revised version of the popular series, comprising three textbooks and three teaching guides. The content has been upgraded...

      The Grammar Tree Book 8

      Second Edition Indranath Gu Ha, Kavita Gu Ha, Mridula Kaul, Beena Sug Athan, James M. Paul, and Archana Gilani The Grammar Tree Second Edition is the latest revised and updated edition...

      Urdu ka Guldasta: Sooraj Mukhi

      Fozia Ahsan Farooqui Most Urdu textbooks are written in a conventional style, with the result that children are gradually losing interest in the subject. To mitigate this trend, a bouquet of...


      Tried and tested for more than half a century, this is the best little dictionary in its price range, and is perfectly designed for quick reference. It gives short, precise definitions...

      King Solomon's Mines

      The new Oxford Progressive English Readers offer a wide range of enjoyable reading for learners of English at six levels. Key Features: Adaptation of popular classics and modern fiction by well-known...

      Gaba Lotus Book of English Verse

      Discover a treasure trove of English verse with the Gaba Lotus Book. This expertly curated collection features timeless poems and powerful verses, perfect for any literature lover. Immerse yourself in the...

      New Lower Secondary Science Book 2

      Reading Sense is a set of two books intended for secondary school students. Each book contains 28 passages, about 400-500 words long, followed by exercises. The focus is on reading for...