
10 Stories from Shakespeare


10 Stories from Shakespeare have been specially written for you. The lively stories that have been included here represent a selection of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays. In these tales, you...

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10 Stories from Shakespeare have been specially written for you. The lively stories that have been included here represent a selection of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays. In these tales, you will be entertained by the comic humour and mischief of characters like Bottom and Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, touched by the passionate romances of lovers such as Romeo and Juliet, and moved by the suffering of tragic figures like King Lear. Shakespeare offers us insights into human nature in his work that are just as valid today as when he lived centuries ago. In studying his plays, we are challenged to know ourselves and our world a little better. May this bookmark the beginning of your adventure in learning about one of the major authors of English Literature.